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Sensor type | GTC 02EN | GTC 02MR |
Typical thermocouple | "J" and "K" (others on request), single and double | |
Protection sign | IP 50 according to EN 60529 | |
Design | sheath thermocouple with isolated measuring point | |
Jacket diameter D | 1,5; 2; 3; 4,5 and 6 mm | |
Length of measuring part L | from 20 to 300 mm as standard, others on customer's requirements | |
Measuring range - at the measuring point | Type "K" up to 1 ° C Type "J" up to 700 ° C others according to type |
Precision class | 2 as standard according to EN 60584 and DIN 43 710 | |
Jacket material | Inconel 2.4816 for TC "K", stainless steel DIN 1.4541 for TC "J" | |
Sensor body | flexible, moldable | |
Connector type | female | male |
Ambient temperature around the connector | -30 to 220 ° C |